Friday, November 30, 2012


        Avon Lake students have “groups” there’s the popular, weird, geek, etc.… but there is also people who just judge you no matter what you do. Especially the wealthier people because you have to wear the expensive stuff and look good every day to be in that group. People aren't just friends with everyone. 
       They are always judging people. The wealthier people judge people no matter what. Yeah there are some nicer people in that group but then there are other people who are just mean and judge everyone. For example there a few people who are pregnant that are seniors and I am sure they are talking about it and how they are bad and all that.
        Yeah getting pregnant in high school is kind of bad but still it happens. You’re still the same person as you were before. You don’t change much, yeah your moods can change, you get bigger and you become more MATURE. You’re becoming a parent.  
Being pregnant will be hard in high school because you still want to graduate and walk with your class at graduation. Some students don’t have jobs yet so you have to find a job to support your babies needs and with that you still have to study and do your homework. 
          While on top of all of that you may not feel all that great you may feel tired, sick or really anything. But again with the groups, everyone in this school is the same person. They have different personalities but still you shouldn't be judging people and talking about people behind their backs. You wouldn't want that to happen to you. And with the girls and how some of them dress is like you need to put some clothes on! 
          Their shorts in the summer are like half showing their butts. And some of their skirts are just the same almost showing everything. And all the make-up they put on is almost like they just cake it on. You should be yourself and not try to impress so many people they will like who you are and not who you are pretending to be. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas and Thanksgiving

Once November hits Christmas comes faster I feel. Once Thanksgiving happens then not to long after that does Christmas come. The day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday and that’s the day everyone goes crazy for the great deals. That’s when parents start to get their Christmas shopping done. Then your kids have to start thinking about what they want.

After Thanksgiving Christmas seems to come quicker because this is the time when stores decide to start decorating for the holidays and they start to put on Christmas music. The radio stations also start to play Christmas music.

People also then decide to put up all of their decorations for Christmas. They seem to go out and get Christmas trees too! In my opinion it is a little early to get a real Christmas tree because if you don’t water it every day and it starts to die then by time Christmas actually comes around then your tree will be dead and all the needles will be off of the tree and on the floor.

But if you have a fake Christmas tree then it is alright because then you don’t have to worry about all the needles falling off and having to water it every day. You can also be lazy and get the pre lite trees so you only have to put your ornaments on the tree.

Some people have traditions for Christmas and start them right after thanksgiving. Like my family has a tradition where all the girls who are about eighteen and up get together and have a party. We all buy a unique different or pretty ornament and we play a dice game and win one ornament. We each also buy five gifts that are under a certain amount of money. They can be silly or they can be just whatever you want. We also play a dice game to win these gifts also. Of course there are appetizers and what not. It all is a bunch of fun and amazing being able to have fun and get together with family and friends.

 We also pick names at Thanksgiving where each of the family members put their name in a hat or bowl and each of us pick names. This year we did it where kids are also in the adult groups so the kids can get and adult and an adult can get a kid. Whereas I picked my grandpas name. Now I have no idea what to get him but I guess that is the fun of it?

These two holidays just make the season go a lot more faster and makes the winter go by fast. Christmas is also my favorite holiday because I love driving around and looking at all of the Christmas decorations. I also try and find things to do and places to go to see Christmas decorations. I also love all of the movies and shows on television, I have become to love the movies and sitting there watching them while drinking hot chocolate.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Have you noticed that when you want to do something that it is always so expensive? Like going to the movies, sporting events, concerts or really anything. You think when you see a good deal on tickets or such but when you actually go to the event you spend fifty or more dollars on food, snacks and drinks. 
When you want to go see a good movie and you don’t want to spend too much money, you have another thing coming. Just small popcorn is almost five dollars. A small drink is another three to five dollars. There alone is about ten dollars and that’s with out tickets. Tickets for one person to the movies are about twelve fifty. So if you want to take more then one person to the movies it is going to be pretty expensive, you better expect to spend about thirty to fifty dollars at the movies.
Another expensive thing is that if you want to go to a sporting event like a Indians game or a Browns game or even a Cavs game it isn't even cheap then. You sometimes find good deals on tickets you still go to the game spending a lot on your food and on drinks.
Even if you want to go to any concert you can spend a lot on anything, souvenirs, food, snacks and drinks. Concerts are always fun to go to but only if you have the money to spend on it.
Nothing today is cheap enough to do just out of random. Everything cost more then about twenty dollars. Even shopping is expensive you go to one store and the shirt is ten dollars and if you go to another and you see the same shirt but only this time it is thirty dollars just for the stupid logo on it. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

End to the losing streak

          Today at one o'clock the Browns played against the Bengals. They started off doing amazing. In the first quarter the browns totally missed a tackle and let the Bengals score leaving the game to 7 to nothing. Also Weeden kept handing the ball of to Richardson and that led them to get really far because he is pretty much unstoppable. 
          But surprisingly the browns came back and was able to score a touchdown and make the game tied up. I had missed the middle of the game but when I turned it back on they were losing 14 to 7.
          In the third quarter the browns had played pretty good also. They started to play and look like a winning team. They looked like they wanted to win the game and end the twelve streak losses. They stopped the Bengals from getting many first downs. 
        And then in the Fourth quarter the browns sacked the Bengals quarterback and the quarterback had fumbled the ball and the browns were able to get a touchdown from that. Causing the Browns to lead the game by TWO touchdowns!
        This game was defiantly one of the games that I would have loved to gone too. All of the other games I had gone to they had lost and did not play good at all. Now hopefully the Browns will be able to play like they did today next Sunday against the Colts. 

Monday, September 24, 2012


People don't realize how drinking can affect someones life. They don't realize it until it happens to them. People who think drinking is an amazing thing and that it gets rid of their problems is wrong. Little do they know is that it can cause them to get this disease that is incurable unless you stop drinking and it is easier said then done. I know all of this because of experience. I have two alcoholics in my family. My dads dad was an alcoholic but unlike many others he decided that his family was more important than drinking. But on the other hand my dad was not this smart. He chose drinking over his family. many people don't realize how much pain this can put on someone especially someone my age. He has gotten more than four DUI's and he has been in and out of jail. My parents divorced when I was six or seven and then we moved to my grandparents house. After about six years after that we had moved back with my dad because supposedly was "better" but after a couple years he had went back to how he used to be. So we went back to my grandparents house. We have moved quit a bit. But what people don't see about me is that it puts a lot of thought on someones mind. it gets you thinking does he really care? Does he really like drinking more then seeing and talking to his own kids? Well I have come to a conclusion that he does like drinking more than being with his kid. He didn't even come to my eighteenth birthday party because he was going to "scout fields" (for goose hunting) I haven't seen my father since about the end of august, I haven't even talked to my dad since then either. The past time he went to jail we wrote letters to each other. He told me he was going to stop drinking and get sober so we could do things with each other like any other father and daughter would do. After he got out of jail he went into this second home thing like an inpatient treatment. He was sober for a little more than six months. But after his parents left for Florida he went straight back to how he used to. All I can tell all of you who think drinking is amazing and all that take it carefully and don't let this happen to you. I'm not against drinking I just know how painful drinking can be to others. Don't let it get this far where you cant get better. Drinking also changes the way a person is. My dad was always an outgoing fun person.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds is so interesting and so easy to get hooked on.When I first saw the commercials for the show I did not think it was a very interesting show. I always loved to watch NCIS and didn't think any other show was as good as this show.

Criminal minds is basically a show about not only criminals but it is about cases and how they solve them and what the general steps are to solve and find the suspect. This show helps me realize that this career is actually hard not only mentally but emotionally.
Garcia who is the computer girl. I give credit to her because she has to be so smart with computers and know how to hack peoples computers and how to figure pretty much everything about a person or a criminal, she has access to really anything she wants. She and Morgan sometimes act like they are dating but I don't think they are. She is a very funny outgoing kind of women. She often get overwhelmed by all of the crimes especially with little kids.

Reed he is a smart guy and he has an imaginative mind. He is good with figuring out who and what is causing the crime he helps the FBI talk to the suspects and the criminals. He doesn't shoot his gun often he is often just with the others figuring out where or what is causing the crime. He is often scared of what will happen to others its almost like his team is his family.